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CJE4615 Adv Criminal Ivest PowerPoint Assignment

CJE4615 Adv Criminal Ivest PowerPoint Assignment

INSTRUCTIONS: You are an expert in environmental crime making a presentation to a group of law enforcement officers (LEOs). Your objective is to inform the LEOs of the extent of the problem and what they can do to prevent this crime/enforce the laws pertaining to this crime.
You will use a PowerPoint presentation to discuss the issue.
Content Requirements:
Choose one (only) of the following categories and one specific crime in that category; for example, deforestation; electronic waste; rhinoceroses; etc.
• An Agricultural Crime (e.g., theft of livestock, crops, equipment, chemicals, and pesticides, as well as vandalism and other forms of property crime, etc.)
• An Environmental Crime (e.g., trees, oceans, land, etc.)
• A Wildlife Crime (e.g., tigers, bears, elephants, eagles, birds, etc.)
Include the following:
1. Briefly describe the nature of the problem/issue. (Carefully analyze the problem: myths vs. facts; pros vs. cons.)
2. Discuss the history of the issue.
3. Describe the extent of the problem/issue. (Is it an actual problem or a perception? What are the statistics?)
4. Use at least two actual (real) examples/cases to illustrate your position.
5. What are the best practices for LEOs to detect offenders in this crime?
6. What is the recommended long-term solution? Be specific.
• Do not base your position on personal opinion and emotions.
• The audience members (law enforcement officers) should leave your presentation feeling more informed.
Helpful site:
Sustainability For All. (n.d.) Top 5 Environmental Crimes, vironment/crimes-aeainst-the-environment/
Parenthetical citation: (Sustainability For All, n.d.)
• Follow the “PowerPoint Requirements.”
• The language should be impersonal, and should not include personal pronouns, emotional language or informal speech.
• Avoid political aspersions.
• Know your role and your audience.
• Proofread before submitting.
Late assignments will not be accepted; however, you may turn your assignment in early
You may submit your presentation more than once (four times) in order to check the similarity rate and/or if you would like to submit a video or use many photos and graphics.

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