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Micro teaching experience. Micro-teaching is a teacher training technique whereby the teacher reviews a teaching session, to get constructive feedback from peers and/or students about what has worked and what improvements can be made to their teaching technique. The lesson will be reflected upon and critiqued in terms of the quality teaching model. For this authentic task all Technology student teachers will experience Work-Integrated-Learning (WIL) where it is mandatory to attend the nominated secondary school at the nominated date and time. Whilst at the school, you will prepare, resource, and teach 1 lessons that introduce every stage the design process to stage 4 students.

Microteaching Topic: Design a mobile for elderly people. You will teach in pairs, whilst one person teaches, the other will observe and complete a PMI that evaluates the lesson. You may assist and support if the teacher asks you too. You will then swap roles for the next lessons. You will submit the following: i Proforma 1: Two 45 minute sequential lesson plans that teaches the design process, and

uses aspects of the quality teaching model. It is to be submitted for approval before the microteach.

Ii A copy of every resource created for the microteach. (You may submit pictures) Vi The lesson plans resubmitted with colour coded improvements added and include

justifications for each of the improvements.

A 1000 word essay that reflects upon and evaluates every aspect of the

lesson, justifying suggestions for improvement with evidence from

academic readings supporting your argument. A refence list using APA

style must be included. need to write answer of below question

Question 1: What did the students Learn?

Question 2: How do you know? Question 3: Lesson Plusses Question 4: Lesson Minuses

Question 5: Lesson Improvements/Interesting

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